About The


About The


Serge R. Pospelov, born in Astrakhan, USSR, graduated from Penza Higher Artillery Engineering School and later from St. Petersburg Artillery Academy. Serving in various Military Districts and the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate’s Armament and Ammunition bases and arsenals, spanning from the Polish border in the Kaliningrad region to the Ural Mountains in the Sverdlovsk region, provided a comprehensive military background.


History Of Disease

Serge R. Pospelov, born in the USSR, reflects on a tumultuous journey from school years to the final days in Russia in his book “HISTORY OF DISEASE: Life, Service, and Escape from the Russian Army.” His narrative encompasses the sarcastic nuances of life in the USSR and the Russian Army, detailing the struggles, survival, and disappointments during the tumult of the 1990s. Volume 2 contains memoir about his attempts to leave the country, leading to imprisonment under suspicion of espionage. Released without trial, he lived under the constant surveillance of the FSB until a daring escape took him from Russia to Belarus, then Poland, and ultimately to Canada.